Monday, January 9, 2017

Jan. 9 - 13

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Finish ALL projects!!!!

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Students will continue to finish their plaster projects and get started on the "eyes, noses, and mouths" packet in sketchbook.

Mixed Media

Mon. - Fri. - Students will continue to work on the Calder project.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Continue to work on the Op Art hands project
Tue. - Paint clay sculptures
Wed. - Op Art hands project.
Thu. - Paint clay sculptures
Fri. - Work on either painting or drawing project.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Students will need to FINISH ALL PAINTINGS by FRIDAY!!!!  This included the oil painting, the watercolor macro painting, and the childhood memory painting that is supposed to be painted at home.

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