Monday, December 18, 2017

Dec. 18 - 22

Introduction to Art

Mon. -  Fri. - Students continue to work on their Chuck Close portraits.

Mixed Media

Mon. - Fri. - Continue to work on your coil basketry.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Finish Impressionism.  Start Macro watercolor painting.  Start thinking about your Childhood Memory painting, which will be the last painting of the semester.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Finish Value Scales.  Shape shading demonstration.  Work on shading your shapes and shadows.
Tue. - Finish your geometric shape shading.
Wed. - Fri. - Students start their Value drawings.

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Students continue to work on GLAZING!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Dec. 11-15

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Students continue to grid their canvas and start drawing their portrait.

Mixed Media

Mon. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their coiling

Beginning Painting

Mon. -  Fri. - Students continue to work on their oil paintings.  Must be finished this week.  Introduction to watercolor and the new project will happen later this week.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Students finish their clay sculptures.
Tue. - CLAY QUIZ!  Introduction to value and drawing.
Wed. - Fri. - Students create a value scale and learn how to shade shapes to look 3-dimensional.

Beginning Pottery

Mon. -  Fri. - Students finish their culture vessels and continue to glaze their previous projects.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Dec. 4-8

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Finish the Chuck Close handout.  Find the picture of the person you want to paint.  Must be a famous person or a family member.  Edit that picture with photoshop and start gridding your canvas.

Mixed Media

Mon. - Found Objects are now overdue.  Start your designing and planning for the coil basketry project.
Tue. - Fri. - Coil basketry

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Students continue to work on your oil painting.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Fri. - Continue to work on your memorial sculpture.  Most of you should be finishing this week.

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Students will continue to work on the culture vessel and finish asap.  Start to glaze your mugs, bowls, and face jug.