Monday, December 17, 2018

Dec. 17-21

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Finish glazing and paint your culture vessel.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Continue drawing and start painting your portraits when you are ready.


Mon. - Fri. - Blockprinting

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Macro.  Take home canvas for your childhood memory.

Fundamentals of Art

Mon. - Fri. - Creative Value Drawing

Monday, December 10, 2018

Dec. 10-14

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Finish your Cultural Vessel and start glazing all of your past projects.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Students will edit their photos in photoshop and start drawing their grid on the canvas. 


Mon. - Fri. - Finish all your screenprinting and work on your "ART" logo.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Finish your oil painting and start the macro project with watercolor paint.

Fundamentals of Art

Mon. - Wed. - Finish your Spirit Box.  Quiz will be on Wednesday.
Thu. - Fri. - Start the Value Unit.  Value scale and shading geometric shapes.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dec. 3-7

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Continue to work on your cultural vessel.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Turn in sketchbooks with your finished self-portrait.  Work on the Chuck Close handout and the Enlarging handout.
Tue. - Wed. - Same
Thu. - Fri. - Start to research the famous person you want to paint for the painting project.


Mon. - Fri. - Finish the Printmaking handout.  Finish your screen.  Print examples and t-shirts.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Continue to work on your Impressionist/Post-Impressionist paintings.

Fundamentals of Art

Mon. - Fri. - Continue to work on your Spirit Box.  Finish ASAP!