Monday, January 27, 2020

Jan. 27-31

Advanced Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Negative Space Vase

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Continue watercolor exercises.

Advanced Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Stretch canvas and start painting.

Fundamentals of Art  (7th grade)

Mon. - Clay demo.
Tue. - Fri. - Finish sketch and story.  Start sculpting when ready.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Jan. 20-24

Advanced Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Continue negative space vase

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Research Sunset Silhouettes.  Start watercolor exercises.

Advanced Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Sketch ideas for your music painting.  Sand canvas frame. 

Fundamentals of Art  (7th grade)

Mon. - Fri. - Sketch ideas for your spirit box.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Jan. 13-17

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Wed. - Finish all projects!

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Finish your portrait painting

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Wed. - Finish all paintings!!!

Fundamentals of Art

Mon. - Wed. - Finish painting.
Thu. - New Class!  Rules, syllabus. Elements and Principles of Art
Fri. - Finish E and P and sketch ideas for project #1

Advanced Pottery

Thu. - Fri. - Syllabus and sketch ideas for project 1

Advanced Painting

Thu. - Fri. - Syllabus.  Make a wood frame to stretch a canvas.  Sketch ideas for project 1

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Jan. 6-10

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Finish slab pot and painting your cultural vessel.

Introduction to  Art

Mon. - Fri. - Continue portrait

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Continue childhood memory and flower paintings.

Fundamentals of Art (7th grade)

Mon. - Tue. - Finish Creative Value Drawing.  Drawing quiz!
Wed. - Color wheel review and painting demo.  Paint your clay projects.
Thu. - Fri. - Paint your clay projects.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Jan. 2-3

Beginning Pottery

Thu. - Fri. - Finish your slab pot

Introduction to Art

Thu. - Fri. - Continue your portrait painting

Beginning Painting

Thu. - Fri. - Work on your flower painting and your childhood memory painting.

Fundamentals of Art (7th grade)

Thu. - Fri. - Creative Value Drawing.