Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 5 Sept. 26-31

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Macro critique. Pick 2 artworks and compare and contrast them in a written critique using the appropriate vocabulary. SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENT - Draw your hand (lifesize)
Tue. - New project introdution. Hands project.
Wed. - Fri. - Sketch ideas and figure out your composition for your abstract hands drawing.


Mon. - Fri. - Continue construction of your Birdhouses and start research on Totem Poles.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Fri. - Have a picture of your sculpture. Start sculpting when ready.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Sketch ideas for your Op Art backgrounds and start painting when ready.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 4 Sept. 19-23

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Continue your Macro project and finish by Friday. The stained glass window drawings are due by Friday as well.


Mon. - Fri. - Continue construction of your Birdhouses.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Review gluing and cutting. Continue working on your 3D color wheels.
Tue. - Quiz review. Continue projects
Wed. - Color Wheel Quiz - 3D Color Wheel project is due!
Thu. - Clay sculpture project introduction
Fri. - Clay review of usage, tools, storage, and clean-up.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Tue. - Finish Grayscale
Wed. - Optical Art introduction. Read article and write a 5x5 summary in class.
Thu. - Fri. - Design your own Op Art pattern and paint in the background of your Color Triangles.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 3 Sept. 12-16

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Macro project introduction. Find an object and zoom-in really far to make an abstract artwork. Use an object from class or bring an object in from home. Homework extension is to draw a part of the inside of your home. Bring finished drawing to class tomorrow.
Tue. - Continue sketching ideas for your Macro drawing.
Wed. - Start final copy
Thu. - Fri. - Continue working on your Marco drawing.


Mon. - Fri. - Continue working on your American Folk Art birdhouses.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Tertiary mixing demonstration. Continue painting
Tue. - Continue painting
Wed. - Complementary mixing demonstration. Paint the complements.
Thu. - Gluing and cutting demonstration. Start putting your pieces of your sculpture together.
Fri. - Put sculpture together

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Tue. - Finish touch-ups on your Triangles.
Wed. - Optical Art introduction. Read article and write a 5x5 summary on the article.
Thu. - Start making your own Optical Art design for the background of your triangles.
Fri. - Start painting your Optical Art design.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 2 Sept. 6-9

Introduction to Art

Mon. - no school
Tue. - Finish shading techniques. Start Value scale
Wed. - Finish Value scale, pencil type review, Start new value scale using specific pencils
Thu. - Macro Drawing Project
Fri. - Continue macro drawing project.


Mon. - no school
Tue. - Fri. - Continue working on your American Folk Art Birdhouses.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - no school
Tue. - Primary painting demo. Students paint their primary colors
Wed. - Secondary Mixing demo. Students paint their secondary colors
Thu. - continue painting your secondary colors
Fri. - Tertiary mixing demo. Students paint their tertiaries.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - no school
Tue. - Fri. - Continue painting your color triangle. Everyone should be done with their triangles by Friday!