Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 5 Sept. 24-28

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Continue making your Face Jugs and throwing bowls and cups on the wheels.


Mon. - Fri. - Continue your research and preparatory work for the Native American Totem Pole woodcarvings.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Tue. -  Continue shading your Nonobjective artworks, focusing on color balance.
Wed. - Thu. - Continue work on your Window Painting drawings.  The theme is Breast Cancer Awareness and Fall.  BE CREATIVE!!!
Fri. - Finish your Nonobjective artworks.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Continue your Optical Art project.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 3 Sept. 17-21

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Watch "Georgia Face Jug" videos to learn a little about the history and how to construct them.  Continue throwing and sculpting your face jugs.
Tue. - Fri. - Continue throwing and working on your face jugs.


Mon. - Fri. - Finish your "Found Object Birdhouses" and start researching and carving your Native American Totem Poles

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Wed. - Continue and finish your "Macro" drawings.  We will start our line, color, and balance project when the macro studies are finished.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Finish grayscales.  Read article on Op Art and answer the questions.  Research Optical art designs and start designing your own Op Art design on your Color Triangle background.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 3 Sept. 10-14

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Continue "throwing" your cups and bowls and making your face jugs. 


Mon. - Fri. - Continue working on your "Found Object" birdhouses.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Finish verbal critique.  Macro drawing introduction.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Finish Color Triangles
Tue. - Critique of your  color mixing and craftsmanship.  Continue grayscale.
Wed. - Fri. - Continue and finish your grayscales.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week 2 Sept. 3-7

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - no class
Tue. - Trimming demonstration.  Continue throwing and getting clay ready for you face jugs.  Face jug sketches due tomorrow at end of class. 
Wed. - Sketches due.  Continue throwing
Thu. - Fri. - Continue throwing, trimming or starting your face jug. 


Mon. - no class
Tue. -  Fri. - Continue constructing your "Found Object Birdhouses"

Introduction to Art

Mon. - no class
Tue. - Review shading techniques and finish shading your objects.  Find a new and interesting object for a new drawing of that object.  Turn in sketchbooks.  I will be grading your value scales and shading techniques.
Wed. - Continue and finish drawing your new objects.
Thu. - Finish object drawings
Fri. - Macro project introduction.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - no class
Tue. - Fri. - Continue and finish your Color Triangles.