Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week 2 Sept. 6-9

Introduction to Art

Mon. - no school
Tue. - Finish shading techniques. Start Value scale
Wed. - Finish Value scale, pencil type review, Start new value scale using specific pencils
Thu. - Macro Drawing Project
Fri. - Continue macro drawing project.


Mon. - no school
Tue. - Fri. - Continue working on your American Folk Art Birdhouses.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - no school
Tue. - Primary painting demo. Students paint their primary colors
Wed. - Secondary Mixing demo. Students paint their secondary colors
Thu. - continue painting your secondary colors
Fri. - Tertiary mixing demo. Students paint their tertiaries.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - no school
Tue. - Fri. - Continue painting your color triangle. Everyone should be done with their triangles by Friday!