Monday, August 25, 2008

Week 1 - Aug. 25 - 29

Basic Art
mon. - teacher will go over rules and synopsis. I will introduce project 1 and students are to research coal mining history and come up with a good picture they would like to draw for the window painting project.

tue. - students should come to class with their drawing ideas for the window painting project and start sketching.

wed., thu., fri. - work on sketches for window painting project.

Art 8
mon. - teacher will go over rules and synopsis. we will then have a discussion about the projects we will cover in the 9 week period.

tue. - teacher will introduce the window painting project and students are to come up with an idea that relates to coal mining in schuylkill county. they are to research at home using the internet and bring their ideas to class.

wed., thu., fri., - work on window painting ideas and sketches.

mon. - teacher will go over rules and synopsis. we will then discuss craft ideas and the difference between art and craft. i will introduce the window painting project. students, at home, will research the history of coal mining in schuylkill county and come up with a picture they would like to paint that describes that time period.

tue. - students will bring their ideas for window painting to class and start sketching
wed. thu. fri. - same as tuesday.

mon. - teacher will go over rules and synopsis. we will then have discussion about the projects that are going to be covered. i will introduce the window painting project theme. students will bring ideas from home, using the internet, and bring them to class.

tue., wed., thu., fri. - work on window painting ideas and sketches.