Monday, January 30, 2017

Jan. 30 - Feb. 3

Advanced Pottery

Mon. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their negative space vase.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Fri. - Students finish their self-portraits by Tuesday at the end of class.  Students will then work on the enlargement packet and the article on Chuck Close.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Students finish their color triangles and start sketches for the abstract painting.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Clay demonstration
Tue. - Fri. - Students start to create their memorial sculptures.

Advanced Painting

Mon. -  Fri. - Students continue to work on their music paintings.  Due Friday!


Mon. - Alignment lesson and drawing activity
Tue. - Drawing activity due at the end of class
Wed. - Students will create an invitation using photoshop
Thu. - Fri. - Continue to work on the invitation using alignment and proximity.

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