Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Feb. 21-24

Advanced Pottery

Tue. - Fri. - Students continue to work on the plaster mold and throwing.

Introduction to  Art

Tue. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their portrait project.

Beginning Painting

Tue. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their abstract painting

Foundations of Art

Tue. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their clay sculptures.  Clay quiz will be at the end of the week.  Projects due at the end of the week.

Advanced Painting

Tue. - Watercolor paintings due at the beginning of the period.  Get your projects glued on matte board.
Wed. - Fri. - Start research of Jackson Pollock and Hans Hoffman.  Gather ideas for the next abstract expressionist painting.


Tue. - Fri. - Continue studies of the elements of design.

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