Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nov. 29 - Dec. 2

Beginning Pottery

Tue. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their cultural vessels and get prepared to start glazing their past projects.  Throwing quiz will be on Wed. which covers the basic aspects of throwing and clay working.

Introduction to Art

Tue. - Fri. - Finish up sketches for the plaster project, prep plaster, and start plastering when ready.

Mixed Media

Tue. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their woodcarvings.  They will either be woodburning or painting at this stage.

Foundations of Art

Tue. - Fri. - Students continue to work on their memorial sculptures.

Beginning Painting

Tue. - Introduction to Impressionism and Post-Impressionism.  Students research and sketch ideas for their painting.  Quiz on Landscapes will be on Wed. 

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