Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Aug. 31 - Sept. 4

Beginning Pottery

Mon,. - Class introductions and project overview.
Tue. - Throwing demonstration
Wed. - Students start throwing on the pottery wheels and review face jug project.
Thu. - Fri. - Students work on sketchbook assignments, and pottery projects.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Class introductions and project overview.
Tue. - Review of the color wheel and start color wheel project.
Wed. - Color mixing demonstration.  Continue painting your color wheel.
Thu. - Fri. - Continue to work on your painting project.

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Class introductions and review of the elements and principles of art.
Tue. - Review first sculpture project and start sketching ideas.
Wed. - Clay technique demonstrations.
Thu. - Fri. - Students start sculpting.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Class introductions and start first drawing
Tue. - Class critique and start value scale
Wed. - Continue to work on value scales.
Thu. - Pencil chart review and complete value scale #2
Fri. - Shading technique project.

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