Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Week 1 Aug. 25-29


Mon. - Class introductions and powerpoint presentation on mosaics. 
Tue. - Fri. - Research mosaics from ancient and different cultures.  Find a mosaic that you like and create your own mosaic design that is inspired by the one you found.

Beginning Painting

Mon. - Class introductions and powerpoint presentation on  types and styles of painting.  Lesson on the color wheel and start of project 1. 
Tue. - Design for project 1 will be given in class and you will start drawing.
Wed. - Primary color painting demonstration.  Students will start painting their primary colors in the designated areas.
Thu. - Secondary and Tertiary color mixing demonstration.  Students will paint the rest of their color wheel by mixing all of the colors and painting them in the designated areas.
Fri. - Continue painting your color triangle.


Mon. - Introduction to the Elements and Principles of Graphic Design.
Tue. - Drawing activity involving the element of Proximity.
Wed. - same
Thu. - Fri. - Computer based activity involving proximity.  Designing a business card.

Beginning Pottery

Mon. - Class introductions and powerpoint presentation on the history of the potters wheel.
Tue. - Presentation on the modern day electric potters wheel.  Teacher demonstration of throwing.
Wed. - Review of clay process, storage and drying process.  Introduction of Face Jug project.
Thu. - Students start throwing and handbuilding face jugs.
Fri. - same

Foundations of Art

Mon. - Class introductions and powerpoint presentation of the Elements and Principles of Art
Tue. - Review of the elements and principles of art and introduction to project 1.  Students start sketching ideas for their Memorial Sculpture.
Wed. - Students continue sketching their ideas and get approval by teacher.
Thu. - Fri. - Clay review and demonstrations.  Students start sculpting their projects.

Introduction to Art

Mon. - Class introductions.  Students are to find an object in the room and draw it without instruction.
Tue. - Class critique of drawings.  Introduction to the elements and principles of art.
Wed. - Continue reviewing the elements and principles of art.  Focus on VALUE and start designing a grayscale.
Thu. - Fri. - Continue work on making your grayscale in your sketchbook.

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