Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 15 Dec. 3-6

Beginning Pottery

Tue. - Fri. - Finish sketches of your Culture Vessels and start handbuilding your vessel of choice when ready.


Tue. - Fri. - Continue and finish your Double Weave Cherokee baskets.


Tue. - Fri.- Continue working on your mosaic animals and your plaster hands project.

Beginning Painting

Tue. - Post-Impressionism Powerpoint.  Sketch ideas.
Wed. - Fri. - Start your Post-Impressionist paintings

Introduction to Art

Tue. - Introduction to the multi-media Plaster Hands project.  Prepare your plaster and sketch ideas.
Wed. - Plaster demonstration.  Start project when ready.
Thu. - Fri. - Start helping each other on the plaster hands project.

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