Monday, May 10, 2010

Week 37 May 10-14


Mon. - Fri. - Continue painting your celtic pendants and making your hemp necklaces using the figure 8 knot (square knot).

Art 8

Mon. - Tue. - Continue working on your Google project.
Wed. - New project introductions for the students who are ahead.
Thu. - Art Trip (I will not be in class). Students continue working on either google art or the sculpture project.
Fri. - Popsicle stick sculpture project introductions. (powerpoint)


Mon. - Fri. - Continue learning about 1 and 2 pt. perspective for the cityscape painting using oil paint.

Advanced Painting

Mon. - Fri. - Continue/start project #4

Basic Art

Mon. - Fri. - Finish painting your Canopic Jars with acrylic paint. When finished, you will research for the woodburning project of a North American animal(s).