Monday, April 5, 2010

Week 32 April 5 - 9


Mon. - Fri. - Continue Woodburning signs.

Art 8

Mon. - WELCOME NEW CLASS!! We will go over my rules/expectations/grading etc... We will also start the first project by reviewing the Color Wheel.
Tue. - Color Wheel Review. We will be continuing our design of the color wheel and may start coloring the primary colors.
Wed. - We will be having a short mixing demonstration on how to mix the secondary and tertiary colors.
Thu. - same
Fri. - We will have a short mixing demonstration on the complementary colors.


Mon. - Fri. - Continue painting your acrylic mood paintings.

Advanced Painting

Mon. Tue. - Finish project 2
Wed. - Fri. - Start project 3

Basic Art

Mon. - We will be going over the next part of the Canopic Jar project, which will be a multi-view drawing of the head of your Canopic Jar. You will draw the front, back, left, right, and top views before sculpting your head.
Tue. - Fri. - Finish your hieroglyphics and start the multi-view drawing.