Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 16 DEC. 8 - 12

Basic Art

Mon. - Give objective of projects before Christmas. Students must glaze their clay masks and complete their Piet Mondrian Paintings before Christmas. Piet Mondrian Lesson for Period 7.
Tue. - Work on Piet Projects
Wed. - same
Thu. - same
Fri. - same

Art 8

Mon. - Students will continue working on their popsicle stick sculptures.
Tue. - Pyramids and Empire State Building presentations.
Wed. - Stonehenge and Washington Monument Presentations
Thu. - Student presentations
Fri. - same


Mon. - Glass Sandblasting
Tue. - same
Wed. - same
Thu. - same
Fri. - same


Mon. - Continue and finish Oil painting practice canvas
Tue. - Start Final Oil Painting
Wed. - same
Thu. - same
Fri. - same